Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Final Great White Fleet report by Sam Rushing

Day of Departure- Dec 23 1907 day that war ships leave making the 2 year trip around the world. picture of USS Connecticut departing Hampton Roads

Rio- made it there on Jan 13 had huge problem, bar fight also brought the navy soldiers in to the fight cause problems tween Brazil and America http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/OnlineLibrary/photos/events/ev-1900s/gwf07-09/gwf-2.htm

Callao Peru- Feb 20 1908 stayed for about nine days the people were excited for us created a dance piece called the "White Squadron" made sure we felt at home.

Sydney Australia- Set on Aug 15 and reached Sydney in five days on Aug 20, we were greeted in about 250,000 people they were quite happy and gave them the key to their city and also a famous moment when a navy soldier fell asleep on a bench with a do not disturb sign on it. and the picture of the kangaroo

Japan- Oct 18 1908 arrived ironically showered with much kindness and used their traditions causing the Americans to feel uncomfortable. and were killed with kindness 

Arrival to USA- Feb 22 1909
made it back to Hampton Roads when got back the ships not white as they used to.Roosevelt describing how great this service was to this country

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